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Build a successful career with expert advice

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For Students and Professionals

  • Personalized Career Path 

  • Study Abroad

  • Resume Writing
  • Get Hired

  • Career Switch

  • Path To C-Suite


Our Story

Started in 2014, Your Career Goal is focused to provide tailored approach to Students and Professional to unlock their potential and reach new heights in their career. 


With our unique approach towards career counselling, we ensure that Students and Professionals extract the maximum benefits out of their true potential.

Our Services

We offer a range of services to cater to the unique needs of each individual, including career assessment, goal setting, skill development, and job search strategies.

Personalized Career Path

We determine your strengths and development areas from your personality and abilities assessments, and create an actionable career path. We also provide support in implementing it at every stage and improvise it to achieve your career goal. 

Study Abroad

We help students to achieve their dream of studying abroad. Helping them with shortlisting universities, scholarship, Student Loan and Visa for USA, UK, Australia, Canada and Germany

YCG Students are up to 5x more likely to get accepted into their Dream University!

Get Hired

Seeking better pay or promotion, planning a job change, have a career gap? We at Your Career Goal work with you to craft your profile, assist in job search, interview preparation and salary negotiation to ensure that you get a job that you deserve.  

Resume Writing

Using a vast repository of proven job winning templates, we create a tailored resume and cover letter for you that is optimised for recruiter's ATS (Application Tracking System) multiplying your chances of scoring an interview. 

Career Switch

Discover which career will help you live a happy and meaningful life. It's never to late to switch career and we provide assistance at every stage right from determining the career change all the way to switching successfully. 

Path To C-Suite

The last mile is always the most difficult one! We help professionals in charting their journey to the C-Suite by helping them network with mentors, honing their strategic and leadership skills. We make the C-Suite dream achievable! 

Empowering Careers


Got Hired


Got Admit in their Dream University


Satisfied Customers


Years of Experience

Our Approach

The method behind our success


One on One Sessions

We start with interactive 1:1 Sessions to understand your personality, interests and ambitions. We focus on understanding the challenges that you face, your strengths, and your weakness to help us know you better. 


Personalised Career Plan

We create a personalised career plan for you which provides incremental goals. This plan consists of multiple alternatives that you can choose from depending on your preferences ultimately leading towards your end career goal.  



As we embark on the journey towards your career goal, we help you implement the career plan at every step. Such as Job applications, getting a promotion, negotiating pay raise, building a profile for Professionals. Identifying a career path, University applications, finding an internship, visa applications, Student Loans, and much more for Students. 


Ongoing Support

We recognize that reaching your career aspirations is a journey, not a quick race. Our dedication is to support you throughout this journey, providing ongoing assistance as your career advances. We aim to guide you every step of the way, ensuring tangible progress at each stage to keep you motivated and satisfied with your career path.

"I highly recommend Your Career Goal to anyone looking to advance in their career. Their commitment to understanding my aspirations and providing targeted support at every stage made a significant difference. With their help, I not only achieved my career goals but also gained confidence in navigating future career challenges."

Simran Gandhi, Bangalore

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+91 73833 39544

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